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About Us

Startup Helm Founder


Hi, I'm Jake.

After 16 years teaching the Entrepreneurship capstone course at Trinity University, I am excited to offer a university-level entrepreneurship education to any and every entrepreneur who wants it - not just students at an elite liberal arts college like Trinity.

Startup Helm allows me to help more entrepreneurs than ever before.

I have 30+ years of finance, private equity and entrepreneurial experience.

I share with my students the good and the bad from that experience so they can avoid my mistakes and find entrepreneurial freedom and grow their companies' operating cash flow.

Why Startup Helm?


Universities in the U.S. have embraced entrepreneurship courses in response to student demand, accreditation needs and examples set by their peers.  Many liberal arts colleges offer these courses to all students as individual, inter-disciplinary electives, or as a bundle of courses to form a minor or major in entrepreneurship. 

This is great for students whose major area of study is something other than entrepreneurship who have an idea for a new business that they want to explore.

However, if you are serious about launching a startup NOW, you may not know what you don’t know and need guidance to pull in tools and teaching tailored to your unique situation.  You can’t afford to wait to take Entrepreneurship 101, then 103, then 202, then 345, etc. and learn over multiple semesters or years in a sequence bound by a college curriculum.

Startup Helm serves the entrepreneur – whether high school-age, college-age, baby boomer, or any stage in life – who wants to start or acquire a business, or who wants to improve the one he or she already owns.

Startup Helm students receive teaching, tools and coaching tailored to their own unique startup or small business journey and goals, so they can work as fast and as hard as they want.

If you prefer to explore entrepreneurship more casually, we can point you in the direction of less-expensive resources or more traditional college programs tailored to entrepreneurship education.  There are some excellent choices in these categories.

But If you are eager to build a business now, click the button below to reach out.  We’ll listen to your story, ask you some questions and help you decide if Startup Helm is the right guide for you.

Call or Email to Set Up a Free First Meeting Today

Meet The Team


We are a group of passionate and fun professionals eager to share our knowledge of programming, coding, and running a business in the tech industry.

Alli Choi

Web Developer

Jon Lynch

Lead Programmer

Ryan Patel

 Business Strategist

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